Thursday 1 January 2009

5 steps to a blockbuster lifestyle - 2009

Over the Christmas 2008 holiday I learned the essence of how to write a blockbuster novel.
What if you could apply the principles to your lifestyle or business?

Here's my 5 step 'blockbuster' template.

1. Make a plan
2. have resources at hand
3. recruit a mentor
4. enact the plan ( there is no try, there is only do ) in a ' cycle environment'
5. reveiew and start again

How to use this template

Make a plan
By thinking about what you want and when you want to acheive it, you start the whole process. If your plan is not clear, but just has a direction, think about steps you can take to get towards it.
You can always revisit the plan in step 5, but it always helps to have at least 2 specific items you want to acheive.

Have resources at hand
Using the internet, lending library or by buying books, you'll be getting inspiration. Your plan could include finding resources that you need at every stage.

Recruit a mentor
Finding someone to help you through your program can make the difference between success and failure. A friend or coach could help you by having regular meetings to ask you how you are progressing and ticking off your goals as they become reality.

Enact the plan
If your plan involves behaviour change or applying a new technique, then 'test and measure' it. This means practise it, in a controlled environment, letting the people you are trying it on know. You now have the opportunity to ask how things went. If it worked, great. Was there anything you could have done better? If it didn't work, you can refocus and try something new, or change the parameters. Either way, by doing it in a live situation and getting feedback, you get a qualified result - you know whether there was success, because you have a measure of it.

Review and start again
Now that you have embraced change, try again. The more you do, the easier it gets, so reviewing and starting again will help your continual improvement.

The blockbuster bit
The blockbuster style is about doing it - practising it, rather than saying your going to do it. The above technique could help you to acheive success in what you want in 2009

How to Write a Blockbuster (Teach Yourself Creative Writing) by Helen Corner and Lee Weatherly

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